4 Reasons to Renovate Your Bathroom This Year — BAGNODESIGN | Luxury Bathrooms Glasgow | Bathroom Showroom Glasgow

4 Reasons to Renovate Your Bathroom This Year

This week we’ve come up with 4 reasons you should have a luxury bathroom renovation this year. We think we’ve provided some strong reasons for doing so, so read on and see if we can convince you of the benefits!

1 Increase the property value of your home

By renovating your bathroom you’ll potentially increase the value of your property. A nicely sized, well decorated and beautifully furnished bathroom is what could tip the balance if you’re trying to sell in the future.

2 Update and luxuriate

Create a space in your bathroom you want to spend time in. You can make it seem more luxurious without having to spend a fortune. By adding a few strategically placed accessories you can really make your bathroom feel special, turning your bathroom into the kind of place you want to spend time in rather than dread.

3 Energise your bathroom and save money

If you update the plumbing and technology in your bathroom you’ll make a tremendous difference to your energy costs in the long run, meaning you’ll save money as well as heat. Towel rails will help you control the amount of heat you have in your bathroom throughout the day and you can save much more than by having a full-on radiator in there.

4 Choose your bathroom carefully

If you’re going to be spending more time in a bath than in the shower, there’s no point fitting an all singing all dancing shower in there and vice versa. Choose items which you know you’re going to get the best out of and this should help improve your bathroom exponentially. There are also plenty of technological innovations you can add to your bathroom to make it more usable, it could be anything from improved media if you like to spend time keeping up with the news while you’re in the bath, or something more novel. Sleeker faucets perhaps with mproved shower components, so your shower is better and you use only the amount of water you need.

Baths can be freestanding and they don’t have to be made of the usual materials you’re associated with. In our range, we have a wide selection of both types of baths, straight and freestanding, rectangular and tub shaped. It could make all the difference.

We think we’ve provided you with some great reasons to invest in a new bathroom

So, there you have it, 4 major reasons why you should consider a bathroom renovation. In the long run, you could save on energy and water and this could have a major impact on utility bills. This means that whatever you spend on renovation you could get back in cheaper bills in the future, so it’s a worthwhile investment.

If you have any questions about what we’ve discussed today get in touch with us here at BAGNODESIGN Glasgow, we’ll be happy to help.